Friday, June 10, 2011


Bitch says what?

To be or not be
I'd say that is the answer
The answer to absolutely nothing
It's perfectly clear
Infinite confusion
You should always be asking questions
The answers are irrelevant
The conclusion on the otherhand
Now that's important
A whole lot of everything about nothing
Frozen in time and space
Wrapped up in a curious blanket
To be or not to be
That is most definetaly the question
The answer, well that's easy
It's 74

Curious Girl

The bitch goes out tonight, thinking if she wants to be bi-curious
or just a plain right out slut.
Curiosity killing this cat, she's dressed in black, bitches on the scene will see right past that.

She's out of her element, dressed down not feeling quite elegant.
With a drink in her hand, standing in front of the live band.
Some dyke eyes her off, she must want to hold your fucking hand.

Quick lesson to learn, if you wanna be heard stop bitchin babe,
You're gonna get burned.
Your hot on the scene, better loosen up.
Baby you'll eventually be seen.
Your get back stare will make any girl scream "fuck me be easy, stop teasing me".
You'll say one fucking word and they'll feel like their in Ecstasy.

Dirty dancing on the dance floor, look at these girls their shouting,
"We want more, we want more".
Your tipsy as fuck , you ain't thinking about sucking a big fat cock.
Time stands still in this world, just open your legs baby.
Girl your about to get twirled.

You've got poison on your lips, thinking how the fuck this is tasting so bliss.
Now's your chance to strike at that uninvited dyke, too bad your activities would put you in jail for life!

- Ash & Zar

Unlimited Hesitation

The Unknown
The Lust
The Wall
The Questions
The Thoughts
The Fantasy
The Truth
The Untold
The Trust
The Despise
The Temptation
The Threat
The Gamble
The Want
The Moment
The Silence
The Time
The Contact
The Pursuasion
The Careless



LIFE through my eyes.

Over hundreds of years, debates have been made between science and religious beliefs. As to try to determine the truth about how planet earth came to be. Scientific facts prove through studies that the 'Big Bang Theory' was the be all and end all of creation, however not once in any religious writings did it state that the definition of God was a 'man in the sky wearing a white robe' but through the development of western society this picture of our God has been painted. Conveniently this God is a white male who can give the ideal of 'faith' wrapped up in silver lining to suffice and comfort mankind.

Did anyone take a second to stand away from a narrow minded simpleton point of view, to not hate against one another but for both views, to compliment each other. Who decided that God is a white male wearing a white robe? Can God not be the aura of each and every atom existing on this planet.

In regards to the Big Bang Theory, who is to say that our God was not the cluster of atoms that combined to create the Big Bang, isn't that the definition of the creator of the Earth.

Therefore isn't God one in the same?

At the end of the day no sexuality, no race, no hierarchy can determine what religion means to oneself. We preach a world of freedom of speech and thought; yet are continuously ridiculed for stepping outside of the 'social westernised square'.

I'm yet to come across a person that lives strictly by the governments laws, as each human does and should have their own morals and values and from that have their own internal laws to which they abide by.

So picture a perfect person, with a perfect life, and a perfect aura. What would that person even look like, it's impossible to say because the word 'perfect' is open to interpretation. No more stigmas, no more stereotypes, no more 'perfect' people, how about we just live our lives to the best of our ability and respect one another for doing so.

Tomorrow is not promised, so we live for the moment. And live true to our own hearts so that we live with no regrets.

Just like you will with me, I will walk past your grave someday and not remember the money or the clothes that you wore, but every moment we spent together.

- traffic lights -

Monday, June 6, 2011

Keep Walking


feelings and emotions

Fuck Off

I don't need you.


Had a really nice weekend with friends. Lots of different adventures. Am back at home now, with a cup of tea and incense burning. Very relaxing. Have to mission back up to the city tomorrow because I left my phone charger at a friends house. Dad needs taking to the airport so I have volunteered to do the deed as I need to head up that way anyways. Am hoping that he will fill my car up with petrol as I spent a lot (too much) of money on the weekend and am now tight on cash. I do this so often, I don't know why but I don't seem to have much control of money. I get paid and its all spent within 5 or less days and then I spend the next 9 days surviving on minimal dollars. So frustrating. Money goes so easliy.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I'm sorry I said the wrong words at the right time.


If you did not see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears, don't invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lucinda has a plan

And she's not as innocent as she looks.

Indian Peafowl

The Indian Peafowl or Blue Peafowl (Pavo cristatus) is a large and brightly coloured bird of the pheasant family native to South Asia, but introduced and semi-feral in many other parts of the world.

Peafowl are best known for the male's extravagant display feathers which, despite actually growing from their back, are thought of as a tail. The "train" is in reality made up of the enormously elongated upper tail coverts. The tail itself is brown and short as in the peahen. The colours result from the micro-structure of the feathers and the resulting optical phenomena.

Peafowl forage on the ground in small groups, known as musters, that usually have a cock and 3 to 5 hens. After the breeding season, the flocks tend to be made up only of females and young.

Peafowl produce loud calls especially in the breeding season. They may call at night when alarmed and neighbouring birds may call in a relay like series. Nearly seven different call variants have been identified in the peacocks apart from six alarm calls that are commonly produced by both sexes.

who knew




I don't worry about cell phones hurting my brain

Everything hurts a persons brain.
Don't nit pick.
No choice anyway.
Smoke signals?
Doubt it.
Your paranoia bugs me.

Don't think I don't see...

You are fucking crazy.

Back to the Pretty Reckless

Lady Gaga