Saturday, August 21, 2010

purple pills

I take a couple uppers
I down a couple downers
But nothing compare
To these blue and yellow purple pills
I been to mushroom mountain
Once or twice but who's countin'
But nothing compares
To these blue and yellow purple pills.

Cool, calm, just like my mum
With a couple of Valium inside her palm
It's Mr. Mischief with a trick up his sleeve
to roll up on you like Christopher Reeves
I cant describe the vibe I get
When i drive by 6 people
And 5 I hit
Ah shit
I started a mosh pit
Squashed a bitch
And stomped the foster kids
These shrooms make me hallucinate
Then sweat till I start losing weight
Till I see dumb shit start happening'
Dumber than Vanilla Ice trying to rap again
So bounce, bounce, c'mon bounce
I said c'mon bounce
Everybody in the house with half an ounce
Not weed I meant coke dumb ass sit down
We dont bullshit, better ask around
D12 throws the bombest bash in town
Bizarre, your mum is passing out
Get her ass on the couch before she crashes out.


What would my friends wish for right at this moment.

Loz Lady Luck - wishes that her washing would be done. and for more time in the day.

Dani - to win lotto

Emily - good grades at uni

Taryn- the roof to come off and the sun to come through/ candy.

Amy - to have an endless supply of money

Telina - more time. and another day off work.

Jade - butterbeer from harry potter

Arnya- unlimited money

Ash - on a tropical island in the sun with hot chicks serving drinks

Travis - some smack.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


And everything is going to the beat
And everything is going to the beat
And everything is going

And you said, it was like fire around the brim
Burning solid, burning thin the burning rim
Like stars burning holes right through the dark
Flicking fire like saltwater into my eyes
You were one inch from the edge of this bed
I dragged you back a sleepyhead, sleepyhead

They couldn't think of something to say the day you burst
With all their lions, with all their might and all their thirst
They crowd your bedroom like some thoughts wearing thin
Against the walls, against your rules, against your skin
My beard grew down to the floor and out through the doors
Of your eyes, begonia skies like a sleepyhead, sleepyhead

Paper towels vs Electric hand-dryers

You're in a public bathroom with clean, dripping hands, standing infront of an electric hand dryer and a paper towel dispenser. What do you do?

Visit the website below for a full run down!

Lil Wayne - A Milli

Damn I hate a shy bitch

Don't you hate a shy bitch?

Yeah I ate a shy bitch

She ain't shy no more, she changed her name to my bitch

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Unspoken Rules of Train Etiquette

With the start of my new job in the city, I have been catching the train to and from work in order to save money on parking/ petrol and also to save the stress of being in peak hour traffic early in the morning or in the late afternoon when you are just wanting to get home.

The more I have been catching the train the more I have realised that there seems to be some unspoken rules of train etiquette.
These rules aren't enforced by law or any form of authority just enforced by the stares from the other passengers on the train as the visually tear you to pieces for breaking The Unspoken Rules of Train Etiquette.
Offenders often seem to be ignorantly unaware of the proper ways to act correctly on a train.

Jumping ahead a few steps; these rules seem to come into full effect at times of peak hour train usage, which means that during peak hour there is no tolerance to breaking any of The Unspoken Rules of Train Etiquette; where a on a train trip in the middle of the day where there aren't as many passengers the rules are relaxed to some degree.
This is probably due to the fact that the other passengers are more relaxed and lenient as they aren't on their way to work or coming home from a stressful day trying to stay afloat in the corporate sea.

I'm going to do the unthinkable and speak of The Unspoken Rules of Train Etiquette.

Rule #1 - Don't have your Mp3 player (aka Ipod) cranked to its full potential so the whole carriage can hear your music. Very rarely would someone enjoy listening to the second hand sound waves of the latest Aria top 40 countdown or Tom Jones greatest hits.

Rule #2 - When travelling with friends try not to talk about how many chicks you banged on the weekend or how you injected heroin into your eyeball to achieve the ultimate high. Nobody cares. Not even your mate.

Rule #3 - Don't stare at people and most definitely don't let them catch you staring at them as that leads to eye contact which is totally inappropriate and unacceptable in such situations. This isn't your Sunday morning walk where you say hello to every person you pass. This is train life, so keep your stares focused on something other than neighbouring passengers.

Rule #4 - Mobile phone usage is similar to Rule #2 in that having a conversation on the phone in a cramped environment such as a train carriage is just out of order. People don't want to hear anything you have to say and don't want to be obliged to listen to your voice as that is the loudest noise echoing through the carriage.

Rule#5 - Laughing or showing any signs of happiness in peak hour train rides is also condemned as it reminds people around you how unhappy they working for 'The Man'.

Rule#6 - When travelling through a tunnel be sure that no one catches you looking at your reflection in the window as that can be highly embarrassing and can also lead to the dreaded eye contact situation.

Rule#7 - In the event of any disorderly passengers causing a scene in your carriage make sure you do not acknowledge the situation and focus very hard on pretending like nothing is happening. Here is an example of something you can think so that no body realises you are interested in the situation arising: 'No there is not a drunk person rolling around on the floor. Everything is calm. This is a beautiful world. I love my job. The person on the floor is not taking their clothes off.' Repeating that over and over in your head will help to keep you anonymous to the situation. Heaven forbid you pay attention to anything going on outside your own world.

By following these rules it will mean that you blend into the crowd and go about your day unnoticed working for your important overzealous corporate company who will inevitably squeeze any creative, individual and original juices from you until your are old and dried up ready for retirement. Oh happy days.

I have come to the conclusion

That I am a binge blogger!

night blur