Thursday, October 20, 2011

senses of place

we find our identity through our sense of belonging. we find our sense of belonging through our memories and our senses of place......
do we really. come on now.

yeah actually we do. I will not write you essay. Purely because I have much better things to do. Like staring out the window. I will think about you. But I will not write about you. Behind these hazel eyes. Why is Kelly Clarkson on my mind all of a sudden. Where did those lyrics come from.
Who goes jogging in a 'unit' shirt and boardies along beaufort street.
Yes watching these people and ranting about it on here is proving to be much more interesting. Im even typing whilst looking out the window. Pure fucking skill. I should just tell my tutor that I can do that and she will pass me. On pure jealousy that I am so talented.

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