Sunday, October 18, 2009


Just need to have a little whinge about the IGA closest to my house.
Im not sure about anyone else who is an IGA customer, but I for one, thought that the whole thing with IGA's is that they are open 7 days a week and have longer trading hours than the bigger food chains (Woolworths, Coles etc).
But no.
Apparently the IGA closest to my house isn't too keen on the whole extended trading so it closes at 5.30 most days. What is that all about?
The closest IGA that is open till 8pm, is 4 suburbs away from where I live which is rather annoying, especially when i'm just wanting to grab a quick bite for dinner and on route I have to pass Mc Donalds, KFC, Chicken Treat, Hungry Jacks, Curry in a Hurry...and many more, which then means that I make the hasty decision just to grab some fast food because its a whole lot easier and closer; rather than having a healthy home cooked meal. This situation is now contributing to the fatty mass that is developing around my hips and buttocks.

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