Sunday, July 24, 2011

lucky for me

One, I get the feeling that it’s two against one
One, I’m already fighting me, so what’s another one?
One, The mirror is a trigger and your mouth’s a gun
One, Lucky for me, I’m not the only one

Saturday, July 23, 2011

the best wordsleuth ever!

the aftermath

Aphrodisiac Orgy


baaa ram ewe

your a sheep your a sheep

oh the things I would do to you


I'm not right in the head dot com

hush now baby

I like to crawl through the local carwash and pretend i'm on total wipeout


Is it on? I just had a pint of fizz. It was the best pint I've had all day. Was it good? Was your mouth all like....
Bit dub-step? No. Finger tapping. Peanut butter jelly time. How did you find that face thing? I just like how I look so content and happy with life. Its like a pash rash. Oh my god, what is that up there. Oh they know now, we both have the same rash. Didn't win. I did. That was awesome. I'm obsessed with this song. SHHH everyone is talking way too much, my ears are ringing from the sound. Gotta find some other people to hang out with I think. Tappa Tappa Tappa. I haven't put food in my bakery or restaurant for ages. Its still kicking on, with people coming in and there is no food. Now I'm to the point where I'm stuck on what to do. I've done it about seven times now. Put it into storage and then out of storage. I want to do it again but I'm too scared.

Monday, July 11, 2011

moment of weakness

where did that come from.

no sense.

I am actually fine.

photography is cool

everyone has a good camera. everyone has their apps to make all photos look 'cool'

must be different, must come up with new ideas if I want to be successful in this photography saga I have taken on.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

stirrrr crazeh

Love being in the house all weekend. I do feel refreshed, but feeling refreshed is for during the week and not on the weekends. Going out for a few drinks tonight which shall be good. Hopefully getting my car back this week, it has been in getting repaired after someone t-boned me.

no wonder my bedroom is freezing

The window was about 2cm open. Done on its own accord.
I am NOT one to open windows in the winter.
Ok heater, do what you were made to do.


Lykke Li

Friday, July 8, 2011

Words I Never Said

I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence
Fear is such a weak emotion that's why I despise it
We scared of almost everything, afraid to even tell the truth
So scared of what you think of me, I’m scared of even telling you
Sometimes I’m like the only person I feel safe to tell it to
I’m locked inside a cell in me, I know that there’s a jail in you
Consider this your bailing out, so take a breath, inhale a few
My screams is finally getting free, my thoughts is finally yelling through

Sunday, July 3, 2011

use your eyes

I wont let you bury it

i think i'm drowning
i wanna break this spell
that you've created

you're something beautiful
a contradiction
i wanna play the game
i wan't the friction

you will be the death of me
you will be the death of me

bury it
i won't let you bury it
i won't let you smother it
i won't let you murder it

and our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground
you can't stop it screaming out

i wanted freedom
bound and restricted
i tried to give you up
but i'm addicted

now that you know i'm trapped
sense of elation
you'd never dream of
breaking this fixation

you will squeeze the life out of me

Baby Please Don't Go

Saturday, July 2, 2011

more tea vicar?


magic bus

409 km worth of road to travel along. Really this whole trip has been silly. Travel too and fro just for a singular purpose which could have been completed without having to go the distance.
Travelling along this dark road is causing her mind to wander. Fear of the dark, that unknown factor comes into play.
What if? What would happen? Such horror could await if the opportunity arises. Influences from watching movies is a big contribution to this wild imagination. Set in the same style of scene. Out in the middle of nowhere.
Stop off at a service station, she grabs a few things and back on the bus. Back to the presence of familiar faces. So late at night, who ever decided this plan was acceptable must have been out of their mind. 159 km left to go, still feels so far. A distraction of overhearing conversations that do not want to be heard is a good distraction from the idea of a horror scene arising from the outback.

The bus driver slows and pulls over to the side of the road. The passengers are poking their heads over the seats to see what is going on. Coach goes up to the front to find out what is going on. The bus has broken down, broken down in the middle of nowhere 50km from the nearest service station. The bus driver and coach get off the bus to have a look at the engine to see if it can be easy fixed. Everyone on the bus sits patiently, some sleeping, some listening to their iPods and others still engaging in conversations of explicit encounters. She sits, her mind buzzing, 15 minutes passes and the coach and bus driver have not re-entered the bus. She turns to the people behind her and asks if they want to go and check on the bus driver with her. They impolitely refuse stating there is nothing to worry about. She ponders for another 10 minutes. 25 minutes and no news as to the situation, she decides to take a peek. Popping her head out the door she calls for her coach. No response. Her instincts are telling her to stay inside of the bus, but curiosity gets the better of her. She steps out and walks to the front of the bus. No coach. No bus driver. She does a lap around the bus but no sign of either. An uneasy feeling creeps up inside her, she tells herself its ok, there must be a rational explanation. Maybe she missed them and they are back on the bus. With a fast pace in her step she hops back onto the bus. As her eyes focus and she see's nothing. Everyone is gone. She stands alone on the bus, frozen to the spot. Maybe this is some kind of sick joke. This is not even possible, she would have noticed an entire team getting off the bus. Where have they all gone? Panic. A million possibilities pour through her mind. She needs to do something, she can't just sit in the bus. Or can she. Is that safer? Obviously isn't otherwise the bus would have its passengers aboard still. But outside, where does she go? She checks her phone to ring for help. No reception; typical. Suddenly a noise outside. Someone is calling her name. It's a voice she does not recognise, a man, a dry sinister voice. She turns around to see an elderly man stepping onto the bus. Who is he? Where did he come from? Again he repeats her name. 'Who are you?' 'Where is everyone?' He runs at her, she turns and runs but is blocked in, no where to go. He grabs her, surprisingly strong for a man who looks to be in his 60's. He drags her off the bus and throws her to the curb. This can't be happening. This seriously can't be happening. Her heart is beating out of her chest stricken with the rush of adrenaline. He holds out a knife and mumbles nonsense about sacrificing. This guy is crazy, what on earth does he mean about sacrifice. This can't be happening, it feels so unreal, time seems to slow down. She ponders making a run for it, into the darkness. At least it would be away from this man. She has barely finished considering her next move when he lunges towards her. Scrambling in the dirt she makes it 2 metres before he reaches her. He grabs her shoulder and starts to shake her. What is he doing? He is just stood shaking her shoulder? Panic stricken she feels as if she is going crazy, this whole situation is so surreal. In the back of her mind she hears her name being called, it starts of quiet but grows louder and louder until she is no longer outside on the curb. She is back on the bus, her friend shaking her shoulder calling her name. "We are home, wake up, everyone is getting off the bus.'
Relief washes over her with the realisation that she is safe. It was just a bad dream. Just a bad dream...

Alex Kisilevich

thoughts, schmoughts

purposeful lower case

rhyming slang for hipsters
gone all cockney can you adam and eve it?
decision time
when it's hard to commit to dessert, let alone a life plan
living with grandad
he has a lot of years (and multiple trousers) under his belt
veedon fleece
highway 61 revisited
art from the heart
desperate teenage love dolls
everybody has a story
beats come with some tasty treats
very small and very flammable
to be adored
tick tock, its time to rock out with your clock out
welcome to twin peaks
hokey pokey biscuits
big mouth
imaginary offspring
30 days
a new pair of undies
taking it slow
valuable goods
the meanies in the schoolyard
tiny kingdoms
the making of awesome things


“Kids kissing on the floor… they make a work of art. Upon the gallery wall, they take the world apart"..

Deep and Meaningful Texting

K: they just found a tree growing in some guys lungs
S: aw yeah thats hellll common
K: I have a few growing in meh
S: i am a tree. i was the main tree in lord of the rings. we destroyed isengard by opening up the dam. pretty much famous for being a tree. and a hero.
K: you treely are a hero
S: coz im treeeee tree falling
K: I'm the whomping willow from Harry Potter
S: that's not a good tree to be. whomping in the willows. whomping harry potter and breaking his glasses.
K: Occulas repairus
S: avada kedavra
K: not as exciting as mine was
S: your supposed to be dead. that was voldermorts killing curse. the girl who lived?
K voldermort ain't got shit on me. have you seen my scar?
S: no where is it?
K: it's cupcake shaped, lower back. wierd hay.
S: so your scar is a tramp stamp? how embarrassing. where are you in WA right now?
K: I was just bending over for Mr no nose and he zapped the shit out outta me. i'm currently in woopadooberdoobenup
S: oh yeah I know where that is. voldermort has no nose because he has snorted too much cocaine. why were you bending over for him slut?
K: NOT A SLUT. we were playing leap frod. and no, when me and voldy were younger we were messing around, and I stole his nose, guess I just havent given it back yet. who NOSE. I have been looking out the window for like 10 minutes. I am yet to see a sign as to where I am.
S: Oi voldy is amazing at leap frog he can leap like... well a frog! aw ok I had got my info from an article in new idea about how voldy is a drug addict. yeah when you see a sign please tell me. find your location on google maps or something.


bather shopping

So i'm off to Bali with friends in September, and I already have a decent pair of bathers, but feel it is necessary to buy a new pair of bathers (I do this often) for the special holiday.
Was recommended the Victoria's Secret website, the bathers on this site are amazing and looking through the clearance section are quite affordable. $50 for top and bottom bather set.
This is all well and good, then the shipping cost comes into play.
Not so well and good.
$30 shipping.
Making my total price $80
No deal!

Going to browse asos and am going to go all old school and actually go shopping in some real life shops in the city instead of online. Living on the edge. I'll be hoping to pick up a bargain as it is winter at the moment and the bathers should be on sale as stores would be getting rid of last seasons stock.

Fingers crossed I find a pair to satisfy my materialistic needs to buy new bathers even though I don't need them and really shouldn't be spending my money on such things.

Truck Hire

I'm currently browsing the internet for quote on truck hire for a removal job.

Exhilaration stuff, but volunteered to do it as a favour for a friend.

conflict of interests

double attraction to the known and the unknown.

unsure of what to pursue.

lingering attracting to the unknown.
but the unknown is unavailable.
well for now that is.