Saturday, July 2, 2011

Deep and Meaningful Texting

K: they just found a tree growing in some guys lungs
S: aw yeah thats hellll common
K: I have a few growing in meh
S: i am a tree. i was the main tree in lord of the rings. we destroyed isengard by opening up the dam. pretty much famous for being a tree. and a hero.
K: you treely are a hero
S: coz im treeeee tree falling
K: I'm the whomping willow from Harry Potter
S: that's not a good tree to be. whomping in the willows. whomping harry potter and breaking his glasses.
K: Occulas repairus
S: avada kedavra
K: not as exciting as mine was
S: your supposed to be dead. that was voldermorts killing curse. the girl who lived?
K voldermort ain't got shit on me. have you seen my scar?
S: no where is it?
K: it's cupcake shaped, lower back. wierd hay.
S: so your scar is a tramp stamp? how embarrassing. where are you in WA right now?
K: I was just bending over for Mr no nose and he zapped the shit out outta me. i'm currently in woopadooberdoobenup
S: oh yeah I know where that is. voldermort has no nose because he has snorted too much cocaine. why were you bending over for him slut?
K: NOT A SLUT. we were playing leap frod. and no, when me and voldy were younger we were messing around, and I stole his nose, guess I just havent given it back yet. who NOSE. I have been looking out the window for like 10 minutes. I am yet to see a sign as to where I am.
S: Oi voldy is amazing at leap frog he can leap like... well a frog! aw ok I had got my info from an article in new idea about how voldy is a drug addict. yeah when you see a sign please tell me. find your location on google maps or something.

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